9 Ways To Safeguard Your PAN Card From Misuse

2024/03/30 10:02:52 IST

Limit Sharing

    Dont share your PAN details unless absolutely necessary. Only trusted entities like banks, the Income Tax department, or for investments where its mandatory should require your PAN.

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Verify Websites

    Before entering your PAN online, check the websites authenticity. Look for a secure connection with HTTPS in the URL and avoid sharing information on unverified platforms.

Credit: freepik

Careful with Photocopies

    If you must submit a photocopy, write the date, reason for submission, and sign it across the copy. This helps track where your PAN details are being used.

Credit: freepik

Alternatives When Possible

    Consider using alternate forms of identification like voter ID or driving license for transactions where PAN isnt strictly required.

Credit: freepik

Secure Storage

    Keep your original PAN card and photocopies in a secure location. Dont store your PAN information on your phone or easily accessible documents.

Credit: pinterest

Beware Public Information

    Avoid sharing your full name and date of birth publicly online, as this information can be used to trace your PAN.

Credit: pinterest/designboom

Monitor Reports

    Regularly check your credit score and bank statements for any suspicious activity. This can help identify potential misuse of your PAN early on.

Credit: pinterest/legitmoneytips

Report Misuse

    If you suspect your PAN is being misused, immediately report it to the Income Tax department and relevant authorities.

Credit: pinterest/AKGVG

Lost PAN

    If you lose your PAN card, report it immediately and apply for a duplicate PAN to prevent misuse.

Credit: pinterest

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