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10 Wealthiest States in the United States of America

Shruti Chopra
2024/02/19 12:29:12 IST
10. Connecticut

10. Connecticut

    Connecticuts median household income is $88,429. The state has 15 companies which are listed on the 2022 Fortune 500 list. Key industries that are found here include aerospace, pharmaceuticals, insurance, medical technology, and biosciences.

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9. Utah

9. Utah

    Utahs median household income is $89,168. The states largest employers include Walmart, the Intermountain Health system, major universities, and the state government.

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8. Colorado

8. Colorado

    Colorados median household income is $89,302. Trade is one leading employment supersector and employs approximately 500,000 people.

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7. New Hampshire

7. New Hampshire

    New Hampshires median household income is $89,992. One of the biggest industries in the state is health care. Approximately 95,000 employees belong to this industry.

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6. Washington

6. Washington

    Washingtons median household income is $91,306. Government jobs employ 587,000 people and trade, transportation, and utilities employ over 620,000.

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5. California

5. California

    Californias median household income is $91,551. Four counties found in California are among the richest in the United States. These include Marin, San Mateo, San Francisco, and Santa Clara counties. Santa Claras median household income is $140,258.

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4. Hawaii

4. Hawaii

    Hawaiis median household income is $92,458. The public sector is the largest employer ( 124,000 employed) of the state with the most employment in the trade, transportation, and utilities supersector as well as the leisure and hospitality supersector.

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3. Massachusetts

3. Massachusetts

    Massachusetts median household income is $94,488. With over 840,000 employees, the health services and education supersectors are the largest in the state.

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2. Maryland

2. Maryland

    Marylands median household income is $94,991. The government is the largest employer with a workforce of over 530,000 people.

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1. New Jersey

    New Jerseys is Median Household Income: $96,346. Morris County is the richest county in the state with a $135,577 median household income. The largest employer is the trade, transportation, and utilities supersector which gives work to over 920,000 individuals.

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