Horoscope, December 24, 2023: By Acharya Dr Vikramaditya
There will be unexpected benefits. You may have a pleasant journey through professional or personal work. Interest in studies will increase. Financial situation will be good.
You may incur unnecessary expenses. May get embroiled in some dispute. Dont take risks. Will get support. A senior will help you. There will be delay in work. Income may also increase.
- There will be improvement in functioning. Social prestige will increase. You will get support from partners. There may be an increase in business contracts. Take advantage of time.
Efforts will be successful. Social prestige will increase. Sources of income may increase. Business will go well. Obstacles due to injury and disease are possible.
Someones behavior may cause distress. An old disease may relapse. Be patient, Avoid taking risk and risky activities. Family worries may increase. Necessary items will not be available on time.
There may be huge expenditure on luxury items. There will be an increase in employment. The path to progress will be paved. Dont over trust strangers. Dont be careless.
Health will be fine. Trouble is possible due to dispute. Do not be careless in using vehicles and machinery.
An atmosphere of suffering, fear and anxiety may be created. There will be happiness. Relations with subordinates will improve. Business will go well.
There will be opposition to work. There will be tension. Will be interested in worship. Travel plans will be made. Opportunities for profit will come. Business will go well. There may be expenditure on means of happiness. Will get family support.
There may be tension in the family. You will get good news. Confidence will increase. Will be able to dare to take risks. An entertainment program can be made. Business will go well.
Efforts to get employment will be successful. There may be unexpected benefits. Stay away from betting and lottery. Business trip will be successful.
Efforts to recover dues will be successful. Business trip will be successful. New sources of income may be obtained. There will be compatibility in love affairs.
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