A heart-wrenching incident occurred in Delhi, where a Zomato delivery man was found in tears as he claimed that his account had been blocked by the food delivery giant, just days before his sisters wedding. Soham Bhattacharya, an eyewitness and Zomato customer, encountered the distressed delivery man in GTB Nagar, who shared his story.The delivery partner was visibly distraught and explained to Soham that his Zomato account had been blocked, plunging him into a financial crisis at a crucial time in his life.This guys sisters wedding is in few days & @zomato @zomatocare blocked his account! He was sobbing like anything near GTB Nagar, going to everyone and asking for some money. He told me he didnt eat anything saving it all for her weddingPlease make it viral if you can pic.twitter.com/sl8juEBsaJ— Soham Bhattacharya ⚖️ 🇮🇳 (@Sohamllb) March 28, 2024Zomato delivery man seeks financial assistanceSoham took to social media on March 28 and shared a photograph of the distressed Zomato delivery partner, along with a plea to his followers to spread the word. He recounted the emotional encounter, describing how the delivery man, on the verge of tears, approached strangers seeking financial assistance, having saved every penny for his sisters upcoming wedding.The post quickly gained went viral and gained nearly 2 million views. It prompted a response from Zomato itself.Zomato respondsResponding to Sohams post, the official X account of Zomato Care acknowledged the gravity of the situation, pledging to investigate the matter promptly.We deeply value our delivery partners, and we understand the impact that actions like blocking an ID can have. Rest assured, we take such matters seriously. We assure you, well look into this. Our delivery partners are as important to us as our customers.— Zomato Care (@zomatocare) March 28, 2024Moved by the delivery partners plight, Soham shared a QR code in the comments section, encouraging his followers to contribute and alleviate the mans financial burden. Social media users rallied behind the cause, offering monetary support and expressing solidarity with the delivery partner.