Diljit Dosanjh has been receiving a lot of appreciation for his potrayal of Amar Singh Chamkila in the recently released Imtiaz Ali directorial. Amar Singh Chamkilas fame and charm were so immense that even the iconic actress, Sridevi, expressed interest interest in collaborating with him. Sridevi wanted to work with ChamkilaAccording to media reports, Sridevi also wanted to work with Amar Singh Chamkila. According to the interview of Chamkilas friend, he writes that Sridevi had seen Chamkila performing and also offered her to work together in the film. But Amar Singh Chamkila had refused to work together. It is also being said that Sridevi used to be a big fan of Chamkila.Declined her offerActually, she wanted to make Amar Singh Chamkila the hero in the film, but he rejected it saying that he could not speak in Hindi. Sridevi had even said that she would be given training for a month. But he started saying that in this time he would suffer a loss of Rs 10 lakh. However, later Sridevi agreed to work with him in a Punjabi film, but it was never made.About Amar Singh Chamkila Amar Singh Chamkila, as the film is titled, is directed by Hindi hitmaker Imtiaz Ali. It is based on the real-life of Amar Singh who was born to poverty in 1960 and rose to become one of the most popular singers the northern Indian state of Punjab has ever produced.