New Delhi: YouTuber Vaishnavi Shukla sparked a debate online with a video criticizing the quality of boAt audio products, co-founded by celebrity investor Aman Gupta. The video, which has garnered nearly 300,000 views, details Shuklas personal experience with multiple boAt products, including headphones, watches, and speakers. She claims these items malfunctioned or broke shortly after purchase, prompting her to urge viewers to boycott the company until quality improvements are made.Shuklas video goes viralShuklas video highlights damaged products as evidence to support her claims of poor quality. She labels boAt a total scam and expresses frustration with the brands perceived lack of responsiveness to customer concerns. The video resonated with some viewers, with comments echoing similar experiences and dissatisfaction. One user commented, Ive bought boAt headphones three times, costing over 2k each, and none lasted a year. Worst products ever. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Vaishhh (@shukla_vaishnavi)boAt responds to criticismThe viral video caught the attention of boAt, who promptly issued a public response on social media. The company acknowledged Shuklas concerns and pledged to rectify the situation. Were eager to make things right and give you the amazing boAthead experience you deserve, boAt stated. They requested Shuklas contact information through a direct message to facilitate a swift resolution.Mixed reactions from viewersThe video and subsequent brand response generated a range of reactions from viewers. While some supported Shuklas criticism, sharing their own negative experiences, others defended the brand. A viewer commented, Ive been using boAt products for a long time and havent had any warranty claim issues. They offer great support. This highlights the subjective nature of product experiences and the importance of individual care for any brands products.What nowThe viral video and boAts response underscore the power of social media in influencing customer perception. It also highlights the importance of brands actively engaging with customer concerns to maintain trust and brand loyalty. Whether this incident translates into a wider boycott movement or serves as a wake-up call for quality control at boAt remains to be seen.