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Watch video: Photographer moved to tears by heartwarming wedding photos captured by his 9-year-old daughter

During a wedding session, nine-year-old Aisha's photographic skills captured the attention of the internet. Her father, Jerome Cole, became emotional at her skills.

Bhaskar Chakravorty
Last Updated : Wednesday, 03 April 2024
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Wedding photographer Jerome Cole posted a touching video of himself and his daughter Aisha, who is almost ten years old, taking shots throughout the ceremony on his Instagram page.

Budding photographer!

When Jerome saw her amazing photographic abilities, he became upset and started crying.  Aisha's photos were shown in the video; Jerome described them as a "proud dad" moment. He complimented his daughter's expertise and talked about their "hidden hand signals."

Love's a strong bond

Jerome reflected on retirement in the post's description, adding that Aisha had long since shown a strong desire to accompany him on a wedding photo session. He revealed that every week Aisha asked him excited questions about it. At last, on a Sunday, they made the decision to jump together at a wedding party.

Netizens seem to  spread love

The video received a great deal of praise from fans all over the world and over 14 million views since it was uploaded online. A number of people even urged the young girl to continue her excellent job and pursue her passion for photography.