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On social media, a Pondicherry video is making a lot of people smile. A 77-year-old Mitsubishi executive sang the Tamil track from Rajinikanth's movie 'Muthu.' The video was posted on social media where it was circulated among many people who could not help but smile.
Kuboki San is seen sweetly tapping her feet to the rythum, while he sings. He was well prepared for the performance as he was seen glancing at the podium from time to time as he referred to the lyrics.
The video, which was first posted on X (previously Twitter) by Indian Railways Officer Ananth Rupanagudi, displayed Mr. Kuboki San's incredible talent during the GLOBIZZ'24 event. The executive's compelling performance was underscored by Rupanagudi's caption, which described how he entertained MBA students with a Tamil song from the 1995 hit movie "Muthu."
The movie has been famous in Japan for almost thirty years and continues to entertain people. Netizens flooded the comments sections and appreciated both Kuboki San as well as the movie. They raved about Rajinikanth endearing referring to him as 'Thalaivar.' The interesting part is that most of the comments were from the Japanese population.
People commented on the cross-cultural conversation and enjoyed the healthy exchange of appreciation between the two countries. An Indian remarked that we have learned a lot from Japan, and was pleasantly surprised to see a Japanese singing in Tamil.