In a daring rescue operation, the Indian Coast Guard successfully saved eight individuals from a perilous situation on the Arabian Sea near Kundapura in Karnataka. The rescue mission unfolded after the Coast Guard received a distress call from the IFB Ajmeer-I, a vessel battling significant flooding.The Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) Rajdoot was dispatched to the scene after receiving the distress call. Equipped with advanced capabilities, the ICGS Rajdoot reached the troubled vessel, located approximately 20 kilometers off the Kundapura coast.Upon arrival, Coast Guard personnel established communication with the distressed crew followed by the rescue team boarded the flooded vessel and commenced de-flooding operations. Specialized machines and large pipes were deployed to pump water out of the vessel, a critical task to stabilize the situation.Indian Coast Guard shares visualsThe Indian Coast Guard shared footage of the rescue mission, highlighting the precision and dedication of the rescue team. Through coordinated efforts, the crew of the IFB Ajmeer-I was successfully rescued from imminent danger.In a swift operation @IndiaCoastGuard Ship Rajdoot rescued 08 crew of distressed IFB Ajmeer-I (IND-KA-02-MM-4882) 10 NM west of #Kundapura on 20 Mar which had a major flooding at sea.(1/2) @giridhararamane— Indian Coast Guard (@IndiaCoastGuard) March 20, 2024The Indian Coast Guard posted on X, In a swift operation, India Coast Guard Ship Rajdoot rescued 08 crew of distressed IFB Ajmeer-I (IND-KA-02-MM-4882) 10 NM west of #Kundapura on 20 Mar which had major flooding at sea.After the successful rescue operation, the ICGS Rajdoot ensured the safety of the boat and its crew before transferring control to the buddy boat IFB Gold Fish. Undertow, the disabled vessel was escorted to Gangolli Harbour, marking the conclusion of the operation.