New Delhi: In a disturbing turn of events, a Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE) committed a heinous act by pushing a 40-year-old woman out of a moving train in Faridabad, Haryana. The incident unfolded when the TTE, enraged by the womans boarding of an AC coach with a General ticket, resorted to violent actions, throwing her belongings out of the train before pushing her off.Violent encounter on Jhelum ExpressThe unfortunate episode occurred aboard the Jhelum Express as it traversed through Faridabad, Haryana. The victim, identified as Bhavna, was en route to attend a wedding ceremony in Jhansi when the harrowing incident transpired. The TTEs unwarranted aggression resulted in Bhavna sustaining severe injuries to her head, hands, and legs as she fell from the moving train.Desperate pleas ignoredAccording to eyewitness accounts, Bhavna, a resident of SGJM Nagar in Faridabad, boarded the AC coach in a rush, intending to reach her designated coach before departure. However, the TTE, upon noticing her presence in the wrong compartment, demanded her immediate exit. Despite Bhavnas assurances to alight at the next station and pay the necessary fine, the TTE callously disregarded her pleas.Frantic search for justiceFollowing the reprehensible act, Bhavna was rushed to a nearby hospital, where she remains in critical condition. The gravity of her injuries underscores the brutality of the TTEs actions. In response to the incident, authorities have filed a case of attempted murder against the absconding TTE, prompting a rigorous search operation to apprehend the perpetrator and ensure accountability for the reprehensible act.Demand for safety measuresThe appalling incident has reignited concerns regarding passenger safety and the conduct of railway personnel. Calls for stringent measures to safeguard passengers against such atrocities have reverberated throughout the community, emphasizing the need for enhanced oversight and accountability within the railway system.Seeking justice for BhavnaAs Bhavna fights for her recovery, the pursuit of justice remains paramount. The swift apprehension and prosecution of the TTE responsible for the grievous assault stand as imperative steps towards ensuring accountability and preventing similar incidents in the future.