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Wait what? Water splashes out of tree, video goes viral | WATCH

A video of Papikonda National Park in Andhra Pradesh has surfaced on social media.

Jigyasha Kumari
Last Updated : Sunday, 31 March 2024
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A video of Papikonda National Park in Andhra Pradesh has surfaced on social media. People from the local tribal community and forest department officials are seen in this video. In the beginning, it seems that these people are cutting trees, but later water starts coming out. Watch the video to see what happened!

What happened in the Papikonda National Park?

On Saturday, Authorities of the forest department cut the bark of an Indian laurel tree (Terminalia tomentosa) found in the Papikonda National Park located in the Rampa Agency of the Alluri Sitharama Raju district to get findings that trees indeed store water, in the times of summer, as claimed by the tribe.

Rampachodavaram Divisional Forest Officer G.G. Narentheran led the team for an experiment during their usual visit to the national park.

What did the authorities say?

Forest Officer Narenthan told the media that, water splashed out of the Indian laurel tree when we cut open the bark in the national park. The Konda Reddi tribe shared their indigenous knowledge about the tree with the officials.

He also mentioned that, during parched summers, the Indian laurel tree stores water that has a strong smell and tastes sour which is an amazing adaptation observed in trees of the Indian forests.

Indian laurel, also called Indian Silver Oak, is highly valued for its wood. But to protect the trees, forest authorities didn't say where they are found. 

Tribal communities have a deep connection with nature, their lifestyle is in harmony with nature and they have a harmonious relationship with the environment.