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Viral video: Biker comes near speeding train; What happened next will take your breath away | WATCH

This viral video tells that one should always pass with caution near railway tracks, whether you are on a bike or on foot.

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X/Security footage

A heart-stopping video has captured one motorcyclist's narrow escape from an oncoming train. People are often advised to drive carefully on the roads and if you are driving, then there is a need to be even more cautious, because there is no assurance of accidents as to when and where you will become a victim of. However, many times people become victims of accidents due to their own fault and have to pay for it. Nowadays, one such video is becoming increasingly viral on social media, in which a person is seen narrowly avoiding losing his life due to his own mistake.

What's in viral video?

In the video, you can see that a bike rider is coming and a few steps before the railway track, he along with the bike becomes unbalanced and falls straight in the middle of the track. He is badly injured and is unable to get up and remains there in pain. Meanwhile, a train reaches there and is about to crush the man, but he shows courage and gets up and walks to the side of the track, which saves his life, but his bike gets ruined. This is a breath-taking sight, because if he had delayed even a second in getting up and running away, he would have lost his life.

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Video went viral

This hair-raising video has been shared on the social media platform Twitter with the ID named @security_f00tag and the caption reads, 'He stepped back at the last second when the train was about to crush him'. This video of just 15 seconds has been viewed thousands of times so far and many people have also liked the video.

Careful near railway tracks

This viral video tells that one should always pass with caution near railway tracks, whether you are on a bike or on foot. It is better that if a train is coming, you should stay back from the tracks for a few minutes and wait for the train to pass, otherwise such incidents can happen.
