In the heart of Jamnagar, a sanctuary has emerged as a beacon of hope for a group of extraordinary residents - elephants who have been granted a second lease on life. These majestic creatures were rescued from circuses, congested zoos, or victims of road accidents, and have endured lives fraught with hardship and adversity until finding solace in their new home.One such resident is Leelavati, a resilient elephant who bore the scars of a tragic circus fire just before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Suffering severe burn injuries, Leelavati undergoes daily treatments at the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HOT) chamber, a unique facility nestled within the Elephant Hospital - Indias sole establishment of its kind. Under the dedicated care of her caregiver Mahout, Leelavatis burns have substantially healed. Vantara - A brilliant initiative by Anant Ambani and the Reliance Foundation focuses on rescue, treatment, and rehabilitation of injured, abused, and threatened animals.Over the last few years, the programme has rescued more than 200 elephants and thousands of other animals,…— Dr. Shriram Nene (@DoctorNene) February 27, 2024Over 200 elephants in intensive care Joining Leelavati are approximately 200 elephants, each receiving intensive care and medical attention at the Centre for Elephants within Jamnagars Vantara. On Monday, Reliance Industries and Reliance Foundation announced their Vantara program, a comprehensive initiative designed to address the rescue, treatment, care, and rehabilitation of injured, abused, and endangered animals, both domestically and internationally.The elephant champ is spanning across vast expanses of the sprawling 3,000-acre sanctuary, the camp offers a sanctuary where elephants engage in activities such as mud baths, therapeutic hydrotherapy, and playful interactions, fostering a nurturing environment conducive to their well-being.High standard facilities for elephants The Elephant Camp is equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, including a large jacuzzi for elephant bathing, hot oil massages, acupuncture, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Employing a holistic approach to healthcare, the facility blends modern medical techniques with traditional remedies to address a myriad of ailments afflicting the resident elephants, ranging from endometriosis to cataracts, arthritis, kidney stones, tumors, and beyond.