Making a shocking revelation, Uttar Pradesh Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) member Ujjwal Kumar during one of his interviews with media house, openly admitted that Narendra Modi lost in Varanasi in the recent Lok Sabha elections. He said that the Election Commission of India arranged votes for Modi when he was trailing during the counting of the votes on June 4.While speaking to the media, he alleged that counting got slow after 4 pm and ECI stopped disclosing numbers in the evening because they were rigging numbers to save Modis seat.UP BJP member Ujjwal Kumar is openly admitting that Modi lost in Varanasi so they had to arrange votes for him when he was trailing. So thats why counting got slow after 4 pm and ECI stopped disclosing numbers in the evening.... they were rigging numbers to save Modis seat— Santosh Diwate (@diwate35619) June 11, 2024Notably, this video surfaced on social media after Prime Minister Narendra Modi took oath for the office for third time. NDA won 292 seats along with BJPs 240 seats and with support from key allies N Chandrababu Naidus Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and Nitish Kumars JD(U), which won 16 and 12 seats in Andhra Pradesh and Bihar, respectively, and other alliance partners, the NDA crossed the halfway majority mark.