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Unshakable might! Here's how Taiwan’s tallest skyscraper, Taipei 101, withstands earthquake

Several factors contribute to Taipei 101's ability to withstand earthquakes, including its construction materials, robust foundations, and the presence of a suspended mass damper.

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At least ten individuals lost their lives, and hundreds sustained injuries following a 7.4 magnitude earthquake that hit Taiwan's east coast on April 3. This seismic event, accompanied by powerful aftershocks, marked the most forceful quake experienced in the region in 25 years, resulting in extensive damage to numerous structures.

Epicentre Impact and Structural Resilience

The quake's epicentre was located in Hualien County, merely 80 miles from Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. Despite the widespread devastation inflicted on buildings throughout the affected areas, Taipei 101, formerly the world's tallest skyscraper, remained remarkably intact. Although the 1,667-foot-tall tower exhibited slight swaying during the earthquake, it demonstrated remarkable resilience against the seismic impact.

Incorporating Seismic Safety Measures

Taiwan's proactive approach to seismic safety can be traced back to its history of devastating earthquakes. Notably, in 1999, a deadly quake claimed 2,400 lives and resulted in the destruction of over 51,000 buildings, with an equal number suffering severe damage, as reported by Taiwan's National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE).

Subsequent to this tragedy, Taiwan implemented stringent building codes that prioritize earthquake-resistant construction techniques. Over the years, the number of buildings in Taiwan equipped with seismic features surged from around 80 in 2009 to surpass 1,000 by 2022, according to NCREE data.

Factors Ensuring Taipei 101's Stability

The robustness of Taipei 101 against seismic forces can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, the building's construction materials, a blend of concrete and steel, were selected for their flexibility and durability, enabling the skyscraper to withstand significant seismic activity. Additionally, the building's foundation comprises deep, reinforced concrete and steel piles anchored into the bedrock, providing crucial support and stability.

Enhanced Stability Measures

Furthermore, Taipei 101's core is interconnected with outer mega-columns through sturdy steel outrigger trusses, enhancing its overall stability. Moreover, the structure incorporates a mass damper—a spherical device suspended from 92 thick cables between the 87th and 92nd floors. This innovative mechanism helps counteract the building's swaying during earthquakes, further fortifying its resilience against seismic events.
