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Tragic! Soldier dies by suicide after girlfriend's family refuses marriage proposal

He was recruited in the Army in 2023 through sports quota and was currently posted in Jammu and Kashmir in the 26 Madras Regiment.

Jigyasha Kumari
Last Updated : Friday, 23 February 2024
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A soldier died by suicide in the Roorkie district of Haridwar. The deceased soldier is said to be a resident of Tamil Nadu and has committed suicide after facing hurdles in his love life.

However, after the getting the information,  the police have taken the body into custody, kept it in the mortuary of the Civil Hospital, and informed the family. 

Found under suspicious circumstances

According to the police, the deceased soldier is a resident of Tamil Nadu. He was recruited in the Army in 2023 through sports quota and was currently posted in Jammu and Kashmir in the 26 Madras Regiment. After getting information regarding the incident, the police reached the spot and found soldier in the tiolet under suspicious circumstances. 

Upset over his love life

The deceased soldier, Mukesh Kanchan, was a resident of Madurai, Tamil Nadu. According to the police, the Soldier was in love with a girl from Tamil Nadu, but the girl's family was against their marriage. Due to this, the Jawan was upset. 

Meanwhile, Police have recovered all the chat records of him from his mobile phone.  Apart from this, they have found that the soldier was chatting to his girlfriend regarding marriage before comitting suicide.