In a shocking incident, a 38-year-old mason killed his wife, and their two children. Ram Lakhan a resident of Lucknows Sarwan Nagar area, stuffed the dead bodies of his wife and children in a sack and kept them in the house for two days. What happened exactly On March 28, Ram Lakhan allegedly killed his family members after he suspected his wife had an extramarital affair. He strangled his wife by using a scarf and then killed his two children while they were sleeping. On the night of 28 March, he had a fight with Jyoti on this issue. This time he had lost his temper. It was in this that he first strangled Jyoti. Then both the children were strangled while they were sleeping. It was he who tied the bodies of both the children in a sack and kept them aside.He even said during interrogation that he was attempting to dispose the dead bodies and was looking for an opportunity after stuffing them in sacks. Shockingly, the accused, in order to hide the incident, used to sleep in the same room with the dead bodies. Identities of deceasedThe deceased were identified as Ram Lakhans wife jyoti, her 6-year-old daughter Payal and 3-year-old son Anand. Police found dead body in the roomIt is being said that on Sunday, the neighbour noticed that a foul smell was emanating from Ram Lakhans house, while the house was locked from outside. The landlord and neighbours informed the police. When the police broke the door, Jyotis body was found in the room while the bodies of both the children were found stuffed in a sack. With the help of surveillance, it was revealed that Makhan was in Sohramau, Unnao where he was working at a site. The police arrested him from there after a few hours.