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Scam Alert: Gurgaon tourist tries to do THIS to Uber driver

Haryana: This awkward case in which a tourist trying to pay his Uber fare in counterfeit currency, which raised the chuckle and wonder on Reddit.

Rosey S Chettri
Last Updated : Tuesday, 07 January 2025
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Haryana: A tourist who was passing through rural Gurgaon tried to pay for an Uber ride using some fake currency. The confusion occurred when the Uber driver looked at the note and immediately shouted out, "Fake! Fake!", which the tourist thought was the man insulting him in broken English. It turned out to be a humorous fake with funny words like "Churan Label" and "Full of Fun." Clearly, this note could not pass any transaction. And so the poor tourist felt really confused and ashamed.

Regretful Confession of Tourist

The tourist later admitted they were convinced the note came from an ATM. “I’m 90% sure this came from the ATM. The other 10% is me not wanting to believe an ATM could mess up,” they confessed. This confusion raised questions about the accuracy of ATM machines and led the tourist to ponder whether they should have paid more attention to their cash.

Reactions on Reddit

Within hours, the incident spread on Reddit as users, amused by the happenings, started giving various opinions. People suggested that the Uber driver had replaced the actual note with that fake one in a scam plan, and others took it lightly: "Welcome to India, where even our scams are creative!" A series of reactions followed in this post, though some really sympathized with the situation, while the majority of them were in a fit of laughter at the weirdness of the situation.

A Cautionary Tale for Tourists

Though embarrassing, it turned out to be a good lesson for tourists: check your money before leaving. The funny story reminds travelers to be more careful and observant about their surroundings whenever they deal with money in an unfamiliar place.