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Same face, same smile! Mizoram teacher goes tizzy while checking notebooks, gets entangled in puzzle of 8-8 twins

The humorous incident occurred when the teacher was going through a child's notebook and was taken aback when she saw the same child standing with the duplicate once more.

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A teacher turned tizzy while checking the notebooks of children and was surprised when she looked up to find the same boy holding the notebook which is to be checked. The incident has been surfaced from a government school in Mizoram’s Aizwal when he was checking the notebooks and a boy turned with a smile on his face.

The hilarious part of the incident

The humorous incident occurred when the teacher was going through a child's notebook and was taken aback when she saw the same child standing with the duplicate once more. She saw that his homework had not been checked. Even the teacher seemed perplexed. The boy turned, grinning, and held a notebook in his hands when she stopped him. Notably, the school's teachers are all facing similar challenges. 

When Headmaster H Lalventluanga began looking into it, he discovered that eight pairs of twins attend this government school, seven of whom have identical looks to their brother and sister. However, they all study in separate classrooms, though. The identical twins were the source of the issue. 

Headmaster H Lalventluanga while speaking to the media said that seven more twins studied between KG 1 to Class 2. He also said that it is just a coincidence that these children are being admitted to Model English Medium Primary School. According to Lalventluanga, three twin boys and four pairs of sororal children, one boy and one girl are studying in the school. He also disclosed that several twins are unique in a Christian-dominated area and the school management treats these children normally.
