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The world of social media is very unique. Here you often get to see such things which you may have never seen before. This is the reason why people are very surprised after watching such videos. Now, a video is going viral on social media after seeing this you will be stunned and will never take your scooty or bike around the blind spots of trucks, buses or similar tall vehicles. Road accidents can happen anywhere and anytime. In such a situation, it is the responsibility of the people to remain alert and protect themselves as well as those in front. However, sometimes some accidents happen in which it becomes difficult to ascertain whose fault it is. One such video is in discussion among people these days where a girl came under the truck. You will be surprised to see what happened after this.
In the video you can see that the girl brings her car right in front of the truck and this place is a blind spot. Now as soon as the signal turns green, the truck driver moves the vehicle forward. Now as the truck moved ahead the girl riding the scooter came under it. The truck moved ahead for some distance, and the girl somehow came out safely from under the truck. Although nothing happened to her, her scooter was completely broken.
This video has been shared on Instagram by an account named crashes.failed. Let us tell you that blind spots are those places which are not visible to the drivers. For this reason, small vehicles should not drive in these blind spots. After watching this clip, everyone is surprised and everyone is giving their feedback in the comment section. One user wrote, 'This girl was really very lucky.' While another wrote, 'This accident was really very dangerous brother.' Apart from this, many other users have given their feedback by commenting on this.