In a heartwarming gesture on Tuesday, Piyush Mordia, the Additional Director General (ADG) of Police for Varanasi Zone, temporarily handed over his duties to a 9-year-old cancer patient, Prabhat Ranjit Kumar Bharti. This unique event took place at the ADG Zone office, where all officers and staff were present to witness the occasion.ADG Mordias Support and PrayersADG Piyush Mordia expressed his sincere prayers to Baba Vishwanath for Prabhats swift recovery and good health. He emphasized that the initiative was aimed at lifting the young boys spirits and providing him with an unforgettable experience.In #Varanasi, a nine-year-old child suffering from cancer was made ADG Zone in the police department for a day, during which the policemen were seen saluting the child. This commendable initiative of the khaki is being appreciated a lot on social media.— Siraj Noorani (@sirajnoorani) June 26, 2024Prabhats Day as ADGDuring his brief tenure, Prabhat, who bravely fights cancer, took on the responsibilities with enthusiasm. He issued instructions to the officers, who showed their respect and commitment by saluting the young ADG and assuring him of their cooperation. This touching event highlights the police departments dedication to community engagement and support for individuals facing significant challenges, bringing a moment of joy and encouragement to a young life.