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Social media influencer dies by suicide after incessant trolling

Following the news of her passing which went viral on social media and appeared on TV networks. Instagram posts started to pour in. Several of her fans have expressed their annoyance and frustration over the posts accusing her of breaking up with her partner and "advising" him to be "cautious" around her. 

Top Indian News Desk
Last Updated : Tuesday, 18 June 2024
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Thiruvananthapuram YouTuber, attempted suicide at home last week and passed away at the medical college hospital. Her friends and supporters are shocked and in disbelief. After YouTuber attempted suicide at home last week, she passed suddenly at the medical college hospital, leaving her friends, admirers, and well-wishers shocked and in disbelief. Following the news of her passing which went viral on social media and appeared on TV networks. Instagram posts started to pour in. 

Turbulent social media not so kind anymore?

Several of her fans have expressed their annoyance and frustration over the posts accusing her of breaking up with her partner and "advising" him to be "cautious" around her. Scenes filled with emotion played out in the vicinity of Thiruvananthapuram Medical College while her body was being transferred to her residence for incineration. After her relationship just ended, shocked and angry Instagram messages appeared, criticizing those who had cyberbullied her. 

Netizens react to the mishap

The Instagram post faced backlash from Netizens as the comments focused on the aftermath it resulted in. One such user with the username 'uniq_memer' mentioned that, "Because of your posts she took the extreme step." Another user said "You all are responsible for her death. Her death will haunt you till the end." The response was not shortlived as the users showed sympathy to the victim of the cyber bullying. A social media user '_therealgopikrishnan' wrote, "Now all are happy right? You all should understand that we all have sisters in our family. Many think all these girls are backstabbers. She would have had a lot of issues and problems. What is the point now coming up with such words?'

Depicting the trouble in the society another such user went on to say, "All of you finally killed that poor girl. Those who bullied her on social media come now and say RIP. What a society! When you are alive there are hundreds to say nice things about you. When you are alive, they harass you for each and everything". However, she received no response from her friends or family over the situation. Influencer was hospitalized after attempting suicide a week ago. As her condition deteriorated, she died on Sunday night. The police investigation is ongoing as the updates are awaited.