In a surprise Bollywood spectacle, the three Khan superstars - Shah Rukh, Salman, and Aamir - reunited onstage for a performance at the pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. Their joint act, held on Saturday night in Jamnagar, marked an unprecedented coming together of the industrys biggest stars this decade. The Ambani family has been hosting national and international elites over three days of celebrations at their sprawling estate on the outskirts of Jamnagar. The Khan trio took the stage during the Mela Rouge carnival event, dazzling guests with a sangeet full of Bollywood dance and music. Videos show the actors merrily matching steps and recreating each others signature moves, fully embracing the Dazzling Desi Romance dress code. Their energetic performance was set to the Oscar-winning Naatu Naatu track from RRR.1— SrkWarriorsVideo (@WarriorsVideo) March 2, 2024The celebrity spectacle kicked off two nights of pre-wedding revelry, following Fridays Evening in Everland event. The Ambanis will host their elite guests over three total nights until March 3rd for Anant and Radhikas nuptials.The impromptu Khan reunion has set social media abuzz, with fans hailing it as an unforeseeable and exhilarating Bollywood crossover. Their performance perhaps epitomizes the extravagant celebrations underway for the high-profile Ambani-Merchant wedding.