New Delhi: The Karnataka Health Department has taken a significant step by banning the sale of coloured Gobi Manchurian and Cotton Candy across the state, citing health risks associated with the use of artificial colouring agents.State health ministers concernsAddressing the media during a press conference, Health Minister Dinesh Gundurao emphasized the dangers posed by artificial colouring agents like Rhodamine-B found in these popular food items. He stressed the importance of consuming food that prioritizes safety and health.Investigation findingsGundurao highlighted the results of a recent investigation conducted by health department officials. A total of 171 samples of Cotton Candy and Gobi Manchurian were collected from various eateries across Karnataka. Shockingly, 107 samples were found to contain unsafe artificial colours, raising serious health concerns.Risks of harmful chemicalsThe minister pointed out the presence of chemicals like Rhodamine-B and Tartrazine in these food items, labeling them as unsafe for consumption. He reiterated the governments commitment to taking strict action against establishments found guilty of using such chemicals in food preparation.Enforcement of banStringent measures have been put in place to ensure compliance with the ban. Any eatery found violating the order will face severe consequences, including imprisonment for up to seven years and possible cancellation of their license.Exceptions and natural alternativesWhile the ban applies to coloured variants, the sale of natural alternatives like white cotton candy remains permissible. This distinction underscores the governments focus on promoting food safety and hygiene standards.Previous instances of concernThis isnt the first instance of concerns regarding the sale of coloured Gobi Manchurian. In Goa, similar issues were raised, prompting authorities to take action to regulate the sale of the dish at local fairs and eateries.The Karnataka governments proactive stance on food safety reflects its commitment to safeguarding public health. By imposing a ban on coloured Gobi Manchurian and Cotton Candy, the government aims to protect consumers from the risks associated with harmful chemicals in food.