A heartwarming incident amidst the chaos of a powerful earthquake in Taiwan has surfaced online as a group of nurses showcased extraordinary bravery as they protected newborns in a hospital. The viral video, captured by the hospitals CCTV camera, depicts the nurses during cribs to shield the infants during the tremors.Shared by Nishant Sharma on social media platform X on April 3, the video quickly gained attention and praise for the nurses courageous actions. Sharma hailed it as one of the most touching moments witnessed online, lauding the nurses for their bravery and dedication to their young charges.Taiwanese nurses protecting babies during earthquake.This is one of the most beautiful video I have seen today on internet. Hats off to these brave ladies. #Taiwan #Tsunami #TaiwanEarthquake #earthquake pic.twitter.com/DwJadI1iMq— Nishant Sharma (@IamNishantSh) April 4, 2024Strongest earthquake in 25 yearsThe earthquake, measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale, struck Taiwan on Wednesday, marking the strongest seismic activity in the country in 25 years. Its epicenter was located off the coast of rural Hualien County, causing widespread damage and inducing panic among residents.Strong tremours cause massive destructionIn Hualien, numerous buildings sustained damage, with ground floors collapsing under the force of the quake. Meanwhile, in Taipei, older structures swayed violently, leading to the dislodging of tiles. The Taiwanese government confirmed nine fatalities in Hualien, the area most severely affected by the disaster. Additionally, over 1,000 individuals suffered injuries, 38 remain missing, and nearly a dozen hotel workers were successfully rescued.Earthquake in 1999 claims 2500 lives This recent earthquake serves as a stark reminder of the devastating 1999 quake in Nantou County, which resulted in the loss of over 2,500 lives and left more than 1,300 individuals injured.