In a devastating turn of events, what began as a cheerful outing for newlyweds Abhishek Ahluwalia and Anjali ended in tragedy, leaving family and friends in utter shock and disbelief. The couple, aged 25 and 22, were visiting Delhi Zoo on Monday, only to confront a series of harrowing events that culminated in their untimely demise.Abhishek and Anjali, who exchanged vows on November 30 last year, were enjoying their excursion when Abhishek, a property dealer by profession, suddenly complained of chest pain. Alarmed by her husbands distress, Anjali sought help from their acquaintances.Abhishek was rushed to Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital. Subsequently, he was transferred to Safdarjung Hospital, where medical authorities, despite their best efforts, pronounced him dead on arrival. Doctors attributed the cause to a heart attack.Tragically, the news of Abhisheks demise shattered Anjali, who took a drastic and fatal step. Witnesses report that amidst the grief in their home in Ahlcon Apartments, Ghaziabads Vaishali, Anjali was unable to bear the weight of her loss, rushed to the balcony, and plunged from the seventh floor. She was promptly rushed to Max Hospital, then to AIIMS, where despite intensive medical intervention, she succumbed to her injuries.