The iconic Bollywood actress Preity Zinta won over hearts and made news when she showed up to an IPL 2024 play. She was seen supporting her team with unwavering excitement as a co-owner of the Punjab Kings, a sight that went viral on social media very quickly. Her glowing presence brought back memories of her ageless beauty for the audience at the Mullanpur, Punjab, yash chopra how sheshowed her after actually looks22 years. after 20 years.— M. (@moodydamsel_) March 24, 2024Veer Zaara to reality People had a fascinating discussion about this, especially in light of Preitys apparently timeless appearance. One particularly interesting similarity that went viral was between Preitys real-life appearance at the IPL match 20 years later and her character Zaara from the legendary 2004 Bollywood film Veer Zaara.YRFs pick was Preity onePreitys role in Veer Zaara, which was directed by the renowned Yash Chopra, changes significantly over the course of 22 years and is shown as having wrinkles and white hair. But a fan wrote, How Yash Chopra showed her after 22 years, after noticing how fresh and energetic she looked at the IPL 2024. How she genuinely looks twenty years later, emphasizing the dramatic difference between the movie and the real world.buzzes all over! The internet is gushing over Preity Zintas attractiveness, causing the post to go viral. Numerous people also brought up the possibility that Zaaras character has aged further.a blend of real life and film. Preity Zinta was at the exciting game between the Delhi Capitals and Punjab Kings, which the former won by a margin of four wickets.