It seems like purchasing expensive electronics online might be risky these days. Unexpected things can arrive for some people, while others relish the excitement of opening their purchases. It's not unusual to receive a 'fake' product from an online retailer like Flipkart or Amazon. On social media, Amazon has frequently come under fire for shipping fake goods. Following one such instance, a well-known X user has stated that the e-commerce behemoth sent him a phoney iPhone.
Social media star "Gabbar Singh" posted a screenshot of himself claiming to have received a sketchy iPhone 15 from Amazon.
“Waah @amazonIN delivered a Fake iPhone 15. Seller is Appario. Tagged with “Amazon choice” No cable in the box. Total Dabba. Has anyone faced similar issue?” he said in a post.
Waah @amazonIN delivered a Fake iPhone 15. Seller is Appario. Tagged with “Amazon choice” No cable in the box. Total Dabba. Has anyone faced similar issue?
— Gabbar (@GabbbarSingh) February 23, 2024
The e-commerce behemoth responded to the post after it garnered a lot of attention in a matter of hours and was viewed by approximately one million individuals at the time this report was written.
"@GabbbarSingh We regret that the product you received in the delivery was not the proper one. Please enter your information here: We'll respond to you with an update in 6–12 hours at, the business stated.
Thank you for confirming. Please wait for 6-12 hours and our Social Media team will get back to you with a resolution via email. Your patience is appreciated. -Priya
— Amazon Help (@AmazonHelp) February 23, 2024
To which Singh replied on complition of form alongside requesting the corporation to initiate the return. The business replied by thanking the confirmation. Further it mentioned about the Social Media team that will respond to the email with a resolution in 6–12 hours.
In reaction to his message, a number of people shared their own experiences. These are a few posts:
Bro, I had similar issue with Amazon. These people @AmazonHelp will just keep you asking to send proofs and make you wait. And after certain time, they will say that they have checked with their internal team and right product was sent from our end. Sorry we cant assist.
— Abhishek Sayam (@high_with_love) February 23, 2024
filed a case in consumer court for a very callous delivery of iPhone 15. After multiple follow-ups and reformatting of my old iPhone ( exchange); waited for 7 days post the delivery date. Ended up buying from store directly. Amazon was trying to compensate me with 1500 ROFL
— Dhiman Chakraborty (@dhimanck) February 23, 2024
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