In a disturbing incident captured on CCTV, a man in Delhis Mukherjee Nagar repeatedly stabbed a woman after an alleged altercation. The footage of the attack quickly circulated online, sparking outrage. Fortunately, the woman sustained only minor injuries and is now safe, while the police have apprehended the assailant.The culprit, identified as Aman, committed the assault on March 22. Reports suggest that Aman, who frequently visited the area, had faced mockery from local students, which led to tensions building up over time.The victim, who had come to Mukherjee Nagar to study at a library, became the target of Amans aggression. In the CCTV footage, Aman is seen rushing towards the woman, pushing her to the ground, and viciously stabbing her multiple times.Heres the video:#WATCH | Delhi: A 22-year-old man Aman has been arrested for attacking a girl in the Mukherjee Nagar area with a knife in broad daylight. The incident occurred on 22 March.The passers-by intervened and tried to stop and catch the accused. The girl did not suffer grievous…— ANI (@ANI) March 24, 2024However, the attack was disrupted by the intervention of a passerby on a two-wheeler who attempted to apprehend Aman. Despite initial resistance, Aman was prevented from inflicting further harm on the woman.During interrogation, Aman confessed to the police that he acted in a fit of rage after the woman allegedly ridiculed him. He armed himself with a knife from a nearby vendor and carried out the attack impulsively.Fortunately, the timely intervention of locals prevented the woman from sustaining more serious injuries.