In a startling occurrence, a guy in Amethi, Uttar Pradesh, barely avoided death when a snake emerged from his bike, which was parked next to a railway crossing. The incident was captured on camera by the biker, and others are sharing it on social media. The motorcyclist is shown in the video jumping from his bike in a panic as he sees the snake coming out of it. According to accounts, the event happened on Sunday, March 31, in the evening close to the Parsadepur railway crossing, which is under the jurisdiction of the Jayas Police Station in Amethi.
#अमेठी क्रासिंग बंद होने के चलते खड़ी बाइक पर चढ़ा सांप
— पत्रकार मानवाधिकार मीडिया बयूरौ चीफ अमेठी (@VinodKu26472002) April 1, 2024
➡बाइक पर सांप देख बाइक सवार युवक छोड़कर भागा
➡सांप का वीडियो बनाकर सोशल मीडिया पर किया वायरल
➡गांधी नगर के छतोह रोड पर स्थित रेलवे क्रासिंग का मामला.#Amethi pic.twitter.com/w7pDH58vf8
A venomous snake can be seen in the video climbing atop the parked Hero Splendor bike and situating itself over the headlight while hissing. Since the railway crossing was closed, the man had parked his bike close to it. The snake then slithered out from under the bike and began to climb over it.
Terrified, the motorcyclist fled from the bike and began recording the snake on camera. Panicked by the snake's unexpected presence, several attendees also hurried from the scene. Fortunately, nobody was bitten or hurt by the snake. The audience surrounding, nevertheless, gave the impression that it was furious in the footage.
Hearing the disturbance, a sizable group of people assembled, and eventually they succeeded in removing the snake off the bike by hand. After they chased the snake out of the area, it made its way into the forest.
Locals claim that the snake that climbed the bike has been residing on a peepal tree in the neighboring woodland. People who are passing through the area often spot the snake.
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