In a bizarre turn of events, a duo dressed as Spiderman and Spider-Woman found themselves in hot water after a thrilling bike ride in South West Delhis Dwarka ended with a visit from the police. Lets dive into the extraordinary tale of these modern-day superheroes.Aditya, alias Spiderman, aged 20, and his companion Anjali, known as Spider-Woman, aged 19, embarked on a daring motorcycle journey through the streets of Delhi. The duo, clad in their superhero attire, captured their escapade in an Instagram reel titled Spiderman Najafgarh Part 5.Viral adventureTheir reel quickly gained traction, showcasing their adrenaline-fueled ride, complete with daring stunts and spontaneous dance moves. The video featured Spider-Woman joining Spiderman on his bike as they navigated the bustling city streets, garnering attention from online spectators. Watch the video here: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Indian Spidey❤️🕷️ (@indianspidey_official)Caught in web of lawHowever, their moment in the spotlight was short-lived as the Delhi traffic police intervened, apprehending the daring pair for their reckless behavior. Riding without a number plate or mirrors, the Spiderman duo faced consequences under the Motor Vehicle Act.From Instagram to InfamyUnbeknownst to many, this wasnt Spidermans first foray into the public eye. Operating under the moniker Indian Spidey Official, the 20-year-old from Najafgarh had been sharing his daring exploits on social media. With a growing following of nearly 10,000, his Instagram account showcased a variety of adventures, from street stunts to playful antics.Embracing his alter ego as the Friendly Neighbourhood Indian Spidey, Adityas online persona transcended mere cosplay, becoming a symbol of adventure and excitement for his fans.