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Are you revenge bedtime procrastinator? What is it? How to prevent yourself from it?

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination describes the idea of delaying sleep in order to have some "me" time.

Jigyasha Kumari
Last Updated : Sunday, 28 April 2024
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Hey night owls, how many times have you felt the Zzzzs coming on and pushed the feeling away so that you can finish some work or watch your favourite TV show? That habit has a name now-it's called 'revenge bedtime procrastination.' 

What is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination? 

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination describes the idea of delaying sleep in order to have some "me" time. Researchers found that people who delayed their sleep also spent more time on leisure activities, socialising, and using media throughout the day, with a whopping 451% more smartphone use in the three hours before bed. 

Impact of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination? 

By staying awake longer than necessary and just watching TV in the name of relaxation, you may be inviting many types of mental problems. An adult should take at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Children even more so. Sometimes this time can be compromised. But if this has become a regular habit then you can get surrounded by all kinds of problems. Due to less sleep, problems like reduced thinking ability, lack of concentration, weak memory, anxiety and irritability can occur.

If this trend continues for a long time, the severity of the diseases may also increase. According to experts, lack of sleep can lead to heart diseases, diabetes and even obesity. It can also affect the immune system i.e. immunity. The problem of depression may also arise.

How to prevent yourself? 

There is only one way to avoid taking revenge from your own sleep. Switch off the TV with all your heart. Apart from this, switch off all the screens in your room. So that the ongoing war between brain and sleep can end and one can comfortably fall into sleep.