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Viral News: Who says daredevil stunts are just for boys? Get ready to meet a fearless woman who is seen showing her jawdropping stunt in the middle of the road, she can even make the best stuntmen fail. After watching this video you can she that our girls are no lesser than boys.
In this clip everyone is talking about this fearless woman who is trying to showcase her bravery in broad daylight. With a handelbar locked in a place, she fearlessly let goes of the handle and lies back on the seat with her hand toward her waist. This happnes for a few seconds then she gets up back to the same position and starts riding scooty confidently as if nothing happned. This video got viral.
Netizens Reactions
This video was recorded by a car behind her which was later shared on the insagram page and till the news got published, over six lakh people have seen it and gave their mixed reactions. One said, ' It seems that the girl was possessed by ghost.' Another person comented,' And boys say girls can't ride scooty.' While other responded saying,' The way of riding scooty is very casual?' A woman comented "Are our girls any lesser than boys."