In an extraordinary display of humanity, a heartwarming event unfolded in Uttar Pradeshs capital, Lucknow. Mohammad Iqbal, a critically ill patient in the ICU, sought permission for his daughters weddings to be conducted within the hospital premises. In a commendable act of compassion, the hospital management granted his request.Iqbal, a resident of Lucknow Chowk, had two daughters whose weddings were scheduled well in advance. However, his sudden health decline necessitated his admission to the ICU, leaving the family distraught over the possibility of his absence at such a significant life event. In their distress, his daughters initially refused to proceed with the weddings without their fathers presence.ICU में निकाह हो रहा है. डॉक्टर्स और नर्स मौजूद हैं. तस्वीर राजधानी लखनऊ की है.— Priya singh (@priyarajputlive) June 15, 2024Determined to witness his daughters weddings, Iqbal appealed to the hospital administration for permission. Understanding the emotional gravity of the situation, the doctors and hospital staff agreed to facilitate the ceremony. With their consent, the city Qazi was summoned to the ICU ward, and the grooms were brought in to participate in the nuptials.The ICU ward at Era Medical College transformed into a wedding venue, where the marriages were solemnized in front of Iqbal. The 51-year-old father was moved to tears, overwhelmed with joy at being able to partake in his daughters special day despite his critical condition.Following the weddings, the traditional farewell rituals for the daughters were also completed. Although Iqbal remains under intensive care, his spirits were lifted by the opportunity to witness the ceremonies. This poignant event has sparked widespread discussion and admiration throughout Lucknow, with many lauding the hospitals empathetic decision to accommodate the unique request.