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  • "Call Me Ma’am!" CEO punishes employee with 100-line apology for name slip

"Call Me Ma’am!" CEO punishes employee with 100-line apology for name slip

A CEO supposedly compelled a worker to write "I will not call you by your name" 100 times as a punishment for referring to her without "Ma'am."

Aprajita Kumari
Last Updated : Saturday, 29 March 2025
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A CEO allegedly forced an employee to copy "I will not call you by your name" 100 times as a penalty for not addressing her without "Ma'am." The post, posted by a Reddit user who recalled the experience of a friend who worked for the company, had termed it as appalling.

100 Lines of Regret

Even though the senior employee had been calling the CEO by his name for more than a year, the penalty was exercised abruptly. The Reddit user clarified, "She was calling her by her name since 1 YEAR but decided to punish her today." The user also questioned the CEO's method, saying, "She could've warned her privately also." But apparently, the CEO made the employee come up with the written lines at the end of the day and even post them in the company group, making it public.

 Apology Lines for Skipping 'Ma’am'

A user commented, "The CEO treated that senior like a kid, but why senior calling her by name if they already know that she is not comfortable to be called by her name?" A user commented, "Losers who can't even stand up for themselves deserves this…" The friend had texted initially, "You won't believe what happened with my senior today," only to tell of the extreme steps taken by the CEO to impose her desire to be referred to formally.

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