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WhatsApp update: Now open multiple accounts in one device; How to do it

WhatsApp new feature that will make it simpler for users to manage numerous accounts on the same device. The well-known messaging app now offers the opportunity to enter into multiple accounts on the same phone in addition to allowing users to log into the same account on various devices. Users won’t have to worry about […]

Shantanu Poswal
Last Updated : Thursday, 19 October 2023
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WhatsApp new feature that will make it simpler for users to manage numerous accounts on the same device. The well-known messaging app now offers the opportunity to enter into multiple accounts on the same phone in addition to allowing users to log into the same account on various devices.

Users won’t have to worry about carrying around two phones, logging out and back in every time they want to use a different account, or mistakenly contacting someone from the wrong account thanks to the new functionality.

The ease of having numerous accounts for different uses, such as talking with friends and family, engaging with coworkers and clients, or joining different organizations and communities, is now available to users.

Steps to set up multiple WhatsApp accounts on the same device:

  1. Open WhatsApp settings.
  2. Hit the small arrow next to your name and click on “Add account”.
  3. Enter your secondary phone number and verify with the code sent to you via SMS/call.
  4. Now you can switch between the registered accounts by tapping the arrow next to your name and selecting the account you want to use.

You can even personalize the privacy and notification settings for each account to suit your needs. For each account separately, you can also mute or archive chats, erase messages, or block contacts