Although, WhatsApp assure its over 400 million users for end-to-end encrypted messaging to connect with their friends and family, it also allows some safety measures that can be taken to make it better and safer. Over the years, the platform has launched many innovative features, including securing all the messages with default end-to-end encryption, that ensures the privacy of their customers all the time. Keeping International Women’s Day in mind, the theme has been decided by the company, which is ‘DigitALL: Innovative and technology for gender equality.’
The International Women’s Day will be marked on March 8, this year. Here are some top privacy features that the company has allowed to use that will help build a private, safe and inclusive messaging experience for everyone, especially for women who are also digitally connected with the world.
Here are some advanced features that can be used to make your chatting experience better:
Over the years, WhatsApp has made chatting and communication between people even easier. It is a private and safe place for people to connect with each other. However, sometimes when people receive the calls from the unknown numbers or annoying or problematic messages from others, a simple way for users is to block and report them from the WhatsApp account. With this feature you can block people, and thereafter they will no-longer be able to call you or send you messages.
Every user wants more control or privacy over their conversations on the application. With end-to-end encryption built into WhatsApp, your messages, photos, videos, voice messages, documents, status updates and calls are all secure, according to the company. As a privacy feature, company allows multiple features like disappearing messages can be vanished by selecting the time duration, for instance, twenty-four hours, seven days or ninety days as per your requirement. You can also enable screenshot blocking for viewing messages for an added layer of protection to be on the safe side.
This ‘View Once’ feature is incredibly popular way of sharing the photos or media these days. It allows people to see the shared media only once and also you don’t need to have a permanent digital record.
WhatsApp privacy setting and group invite system allows you to decide who can be added in the group, by sending them invite with the link to join. It allows the person with increased privacy and prevents people from adding a user to the group without their opinion or if they don’t want to be part of it. If a user, finds himself/ herself in the group chat that’s not for you, you can choose to exit from the same without notifying everyone.
It is possible to control the personal details of a WhatsApp account, including the profile photo, last seen, online status, about, and status. You can choose that who all can see your information by selecting the access from – everyone, contact only, selected contacts, or no one. You can also control your presence by selecting who can see you when you are online and who can’t. For the times when you want to check your WhatsApp privately.
This feature in WhatsApp allows you to add an extra layer of security to your account by enabling the two-step verification feature in your account. You need to set up a 6-digit PIN when resetting and verifying your WhatsApp account. This feature help you in case your mobile or sim card is stolen or lost.
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