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In the era of social media, when children are born with smartphones, it is not simple to remain vigilant all the time. Innocent children often embrace such trends, which appear usual in nature, but their aftermath can be fatal. A similar incident occurred in Missouri, USA, where a 7-year-old girl became a victim of a fatal TikTok challenge and was sent to a coma as a result of severe burns.
Scarlett's dad, Josh, explained in a telephone interview that the child stored the NeeDoh cube in the freezer at night, as she had seen in the video on the Internet.The next morning, she gave the toy to her father, Josh Selby, 44, and choose to heat it up in the microwave. "I was looking at him," "when he took it out and touched it, it exploded. The hot material contained inside the toy splattered all over his face and chest.The sticky one stuck to her skin, enhancing the pain. He tried as soon as he could to save his daughter, but the substance was not going off his skin. "I would stick each time. "I ripped her shirt off because she was totally covered by the substance."
Noticing the gravity of the accident, Josh and Scarlett's mom Amanda Blankenship, age 35, lost no time in hurrying her to the St. Louis Children's Hospital, some 30 minutes away. Scarlett screamed in pain the entire time. Even at the hospital, his discomfort did not subside. "She was scared and the pain was unbearable," Amanda said, describing how doctors checked her wounds immediately, especially inflammation around her mouth and breathing passage. inflammation around her mouth and breathing tract. Inflammation in the respiratory tract might have resulted in breathing problems, so doctors kept him in an artificial coma for three days. Her burns were so bad that for a week food was fed to her through a tube.
Scarlett's parents had explained that doctors had attempted to circumvent the skin graft, but Amanda is afraid she would need them to be performed in the future. He explained that they smear cream and silicone ointment on her skin daily, but her wounds are raised and very deep. Amanda comforts him that she is lovely regardless. "She has survived something appalling, but these scars are a testament to her strength."