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Heatwave alert: Your smartphone’s melting point – stay chill with these must-dos to keep trouble at bay

Smartphones are little computers that fit in your pocket. When you use too much electricity or strain their performance limits, they get hot.

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Over the past two weeks, there have been severe heat waves in many sections of the nation, with temperatures rising beyond 50 degrees Celsius. Humans find it difficult to function at these temperatures since the heat can exhaust all of our energy. In a similar vein, our devices experience extreme overload on days like this. In the end, these phones are essentially small computers that fit in our hands with technology that gets hot. Additionally, there is battery charging technology that raises the temperature, which is not good for the gadget or the person standing next to it.

What to do in scorching heat?

So, how can one truly take care of their phones when the heat reaches such high levels and is there any way to avoid a huge disaster ruining your phone? This comprehensive guide will tell you what to do and what not to do with your phone when the temperature rises above 46–48 degrees.

Cutting back on the number of phone calls you take should be your first priority. Placing the phone speaker in front of your face while speaking could cause it to react in a way that could endanger the individual. Avoid letting your smartphone's battery get below 30% because doing so will lead the battery to seek out additional power from the charger, which will cause the device to overheat. Use your phone sensibly and sparingly, because fast-charging phones may make the heat problem worse. Yes, this is crucial: only use reputable, standard chargers and avoid using your phone while it is charging.

More hacks to prevent this phenonenon

Cutting back on the number of phone calls you take should be your first priority. Placing the phone speaker in front of your face while speaking could cause it to react in a way that could endanger the individual. Even watching movies on YouTube for extended periods of time can be dangerous, so heavy users who enjoy playing games on their phones should cut back on their usage. Another significant component that causes heat in phones is screen brightness. Ideally, you should leave it on auto-brightness rather than the highest setting, which could cause the phone to overheat.
