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The rapid integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into daily life has sparked concerns among psychologists and researchers, who fear it could fundamentally alter human cognition. Experts warn that over-reliance on AI tools like ChatGPT, Alexa, and AI-assisted search engines may impair our ability to recall information and make independent decisions.
Jessica Koehler, a psychologist from Arizona University, highlights the long-term risks of this dependency. “Overuse of AI for tasks erodes our natural memory and analytical abilities,” she said, warning that the habit could lead to diminished memory retention over time. She emphasised the importance of using AI as a tool for cognitive empowerment rather than allowing it to degrade our mental faculties.
However, Koehler also noted potential advantages in what she terms “cognitive offloading.” This refers to outsourcing routine or mundane tasks to AI, enabling individuals to focus on creative and strategic thinking. “If managed properly, AI can serve as a strategic tool to enhance meaningful mental engagement,” she said.
Despite these potential benefits, academics are concerned about the unchecked pace of AI’s development. They fear that it may alter the structure of human cognition and disrupt how we interpret reality. Cambridge University researchers recently cautioned that generative AI is ushering in a new “battleground” between humans and machines, potentially blurring the lines between real and fabricated histories.
A report by Britain’s top university in September added a grim perspective: “Human agency over remembering and forgetting is increasingly challenged.” The UN has recommended the formation of a global scientific panel to address AI’s risks and uncertainties, underscoring the urgency of understanding its profound implications.
As AI continues to reshape human life, striking a balance between its benefits and drawbacks becomes a crucial challenge for society.