A retired army man allegedly hired a contract killer to have his son killed in a ploy to take revenge on his estranged wife at Chhur village in the Sardhana area of Uttar Pradeshs Meerut, police officials said on Monday.The accused has been identified as Sanjeev Kumar, who is in his mid-fifties. According to police officials, Kumar offered a sum of ₹5 lakh to a 30-year-old local individual named Amit to carry out the murder of his 27-year-old son Sachin Kumar.“While Sachin had been missing since Tuesday night, a formal complaint was filed by his mother on Saturday. In her complaint, she suspected her husbands involvement in their sons disappearance,” SHO of Sardhana police station, Ramakant Pachori said as quoted by the news outlet The Times of India.“Acting on the information, cops detained both Sanjeev and Amit for questioning. The duo subsequently admitted to their crime. Sanjeev claimed that he wanted to take revenge on his estranged wife. Both the accused are now in custody,” SHO Pachori added.Meerut: Ex-army man involved in extramarital affair, wife left himSachin Kumar, a bachelor and the sole provider for his family, worked as a delivery boy. The incident that led to his murder reportedly stemmed from a long-standing feud within the family. Reports suggest that Sanjeev Kumar had been involved in an extramarital affair with his sister-in-law, which eventually resulted in his wife, Munesh, leaving him around 15 years ago.“Sanjeev had an affair with his sister-in-law and lived with her, leading his wife, Munesh, to leave him 15 years ago. Since then, she has resided separately with her son. Sachin, who was unmarried and the sole breadwinner in the family, was a delivery boy,” a local told reporters.The accused, Amit, allegedly offered Sachin alcohol to impair his senses, subsequently attacking him with a bottle when he was inebriated. “Once Sachin lost consciousness, Amit strangled him using a scarf,” SHO Pachori said.