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UP Residents Gain One-Click Access To Complete Medical History, Including Doctor Info

In a significant move, the Indian government has announced the implementation of the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) scheme. This scheme will revolutionize the healthcare sector in the country. There will be information about the citizens of Uttar Pradesh on this portal. It will include their general and medical data together.  Aims of Ayushman Bharat […]

Sonia Dham
Last Updated : Friday, 10 March 2023
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In a significant move, the Indian government has announced the implementation of the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) scheme. This scheme will revolutionize the healthcare sector in the country. There will be information about the citizens of Uttar Pradesh on this portal. It will include their general and medical data together. 

Aims of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission scheme 

The scheme aims to create a digital database of the health records of every citizen in India. It will allow quick access to medical information in one click. So, all health professionals will benefit from this. 

ABDM scheme helps to store medical records

Under the ABDM scheme, patients will no longer need to carry physical copies of medical records when visiting hospitals. Instead, their complete medical history, including illness, doctor’s advice, pathology, radiology, and other investigation reports, will be stored securely.

Furthermore, the ABDM will provide every citizen with a unique health ID. It will be linked to the Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA). This health ID will be used to create an electronic health record which will facilitate easier accessibility. 

Records will be accessible to healthcare professionals 

These records will be accessible to all hospitals and doctors across the country. It saves patients from the hassle of carrying physical documents and allows doctors to get every bit of information related to their patients. 

Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak has confirmed that the scheme will be implemented effectively. This will ensure that patients can access medical care from any hospital or doctor, regardless of their location in the country.

With this scheme, doctors can provide better treatment

The ABDM scheme aims to digitize and centralize individuals’ health records across India. This scheme allows healthcare providers to get more accurate diagnoses and better treatment outcomes. 


The ABDM scheme will improve healthcare data management and analysis, leading to better health policies and programs. Its implementation in Uttar Pradesh, one of the most populous states in India, is a significant step towards achieving universal health coverage. So, this scheme will improve the population’s overall health.