In Uttar Pradeshs Ghaziabad on Monday, a 14-year-old kid named Sabez passed away. The cause of the death was reported to be rabies. Over a month ago, the youngster allegedly wasnt able to convey to his parents that he had been bitten by a dog.Possible reasons for the mishapIt was reported that five to six canines are raised and fed by a woman in Sabezs neighborhood, and they remain there. One of those dogs is alleged to have bit Sabez. There are claims that the dogs have previously bitten other people as well.The aftermathDue to his anxiety, Sabez kept the occurrence from his family, and four days later, according to his grandfather, Matlub Ahmed, he started showing rabies signs.According to his family, Sabez began to fear the wind and the water and to live in the shadows. He screamed loudly because he was alarmed.Sabez was then sent to several hospitals in Ghaziabad, Meerut, and the AIIMS in Delhi.For medical attention, he was also transferred to Bulandshahr. When Sabez and his father Yakub were traveling back from Bulandshahr, he passed away.The Parentss pleaThe family of Sabez has requested action on the occurrence and encouraged the government and law enforcement to make sure that similar incidents dont occur.The authority probes the matter and actsThe Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation issued a notice to the woman after the event, claiming that she had maintained the dogs in an unauthorised way and that they had been barking nonstop.The organisation also wanted to know if the canines had been spayed or neutered and if they had received their vaccinations. The notice stated that registration and vaccination of pet dogs were requirements under the Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation.The woman has three days to respond to the notice with the dogs registration information, or else she will face a ₹ 5,000 fine.