A 55-year-old top Delhi police officer allegedly shot himself dead in South East Delhi, the police said on Wednesday.The deceased police official, identified as Anil Sisodiya was a resident of the Jangpura area of South East Delhi, the police added.He was posted as the Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) in the South-West zone of Delhi.“A 55-year-old ACP of Delhi Police, identified as Anil Sisodia, allegedly died by suicide by shooting himself at his residence in Jangpura. His wife passed away three days back”, the Delhi police said.#WATCH | A 55-year-old ACP of Delhi Police, identified as Anil Sisodia, allegedly died by suicide by shooting himself at his residence in Jangpura. His wife passed away three days back: Delhi Police https://t.co/kxDiZ8nqYK pic.twitter.com/YgE797ndDM— ANI (@ANI) October 4, 2023 In the meantime, investigations are being carried out by the police, it added.