The police of Gorakhpur zone had started an operation “Tamancha – 2” to catch the smugglers around the area. With proven records of success in the nearby zones, promising and stern actions are expected to be taken shortly to stop smuggling in Gorakhpur.The smuggling historyGorakhpur has had a history of smuggling guns since old. Prior to 2015, the guns were said to be sold for 800 to 1500 Indian rupees. At present, the rates have gone up to fifteen thousand Indian money. The rise in cash is due to the strong police strength in the locality.Operation TamanchaTo eradicate the smuggling, the ADG of Gorakhpur Akhil Kumar started a campaign named “Operation Tamancha.” In 2022, the campaign was highly successful, with a capture of 4,132 arms along with the people who were using them.Confession taken by the police From the confessions of the people caught by the police, the guns came from Bihar and Azamgarh. In the past, they used to come in bulk. Due to the strong police actions, only a gun or two went for sale. Recorded cases from January 2023 to till dateThere are four recorded cases regarding arms smuggling. The seller/supplier is yet to be tracked. While the youths and other people are caught using them. On 5th January, the SP leaders son was arrested for the carbine. Then, on 10th January, two youths were arrested for illegal pistol usage. The guns were bought through WhatsApp from Ujjain in MP. Two more people were arrested by the Kotwali police for carrying pistols, cartridges, and kiosks illegally. On 8th March, the police arrested a youth regarding the same. They arrested him as there was a gunshot heard at the time.Conclusion It is a must to stop the entry of these illegal guns to protect the city. And so, “Operation Tamancha – 2” was started this new year to end gun smuggling effectively. But as of now, the supplier of these guns is yet to be found as the police are working on it.