NHRC seeks report in 4 weeks over Rajasthan woman paraded naked

In a latest development in Rajasthan on-camera horror, where a pregnant woman was allegedly stripped naked and paraded in a village in Pratapgarh district by her husband and in-laws, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has sent a notice to the state government and police chief over this incident. NHRC sends notice to state government, […]

Alina Khan
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In a latest development in Rajasthan on-camera horror, where a pregnant woman was allegedly stripped naked and paraded in a village in Pratapgarh district by her husband and in-laws, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has sent a notice to the state government and police chief over this incident.

NHRC sends notice to state government, police

On Monday, the Commission said that it would like to know about the details of the woman’s health conditions and compensation, if any, provided to her by the administration.

This depressing incident came to light after the video surfaced on social media, where the 21-year-old tribal woman was allegedly paraded naked by her husband in Rajasthan’s Pratapgarh.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has taken ‘suo motu cognisance of a media report that a pregnant woman was allegedly beaten up and paraded naked in the village by her family members in Pratapgarh district of Rajasthan on August 31.’

Rajasthan on-camera horror goes viral on internet: Commission

Reportedly, a video of the incident also went viral on social media, it said.

The Commission has observed that the contents of the media report, if true, raise serious issues of the victim’s human rights violation. Accordingly, it has issued notices to the chief secretary and the Director General of Police, Rajasthan, seeking a detailed report within four weeks, the state added.

Commission seeks report

The report should also include the action taken against the perpetrators and the status of the investigation being conducted after registration of FIR in the matter, the rights panel said to the Rajasthan government and state’s police.

According to the media reports, carried on September 02, the woman had gone with a man to a nearby village from where her family members brought her back and subjected her to inhuman treatment. The victim woman reportedly kept begging for help, but it said people chose to make videos of her instead of coming forward for help.