After conducting several raids in Chhattisgarh and Telangana in the month of August 2023 in connection with the explosive material that was recovered in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) or Naxal case, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Monday carried out searches at more than 60 locations in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.According to the inputs, NIA has formed special teams to carry out these raids. The raids are still underway with a close coordination with the state police.“A total of 60 locations in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are being searched in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) or Naxal case,” a top NIA source told ANI.VIDEO | National Investigation Agency (NIA) carries out searches at several locations in Hyderabad. More details are awaited.— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) October 2, 2023The sources have claimed that these raids have learnt to be conducted at Telanganas Hyderabad, and in Andhra Pradeshs Guntur, Nellore and Tirupati districts. It is also said that houses of several leaders of civil rights sympathisers who are suspected of having links with Naxal sympathizers have been in radar of NIA.Before this, on September 9, the NIA also conducted a series of raids and searches in Telangana and Chhattisgarh in connection with an August 2023 case involving the recovery of explosive materials, drones and other banned machines.The NIA had registered the case against 12 accused after the explosive materials, drones and a Lathe machine were seized from three of them in the month of June in Cherla mandal of Kothagudem.