The governments of Rajasthan, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Uttarakhand have been reportedly rushing to evacuate their residents from the violence-hit Manipur. Most of the state governments are arranging special flights to get their residents out, which are mostly students. According to the reports, Maharashtra chief minister Eknath Shinde on Sunday spoke to the Marathi students stranded in Manipur. CM assured them that the students will be taken to the Shiv Sena Bhawan in Manipur soon. Apart from this, a special plane has been arranged to evacuate the students, who will come by evening, today. “a special aircraft has been arranged to get back the 22 stranded students from the violence-hit Manipur,” he added.Reports also say that Indian Army and Assam rifles, so far have rescued 23,000 civilians from the crisis-hit Manipur and moved them to the operating bases. The curfew in the area has also been relaxed partially, and life limped back to normal, said officials.A representative for the Defence Department added that by moving UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and redeploying helicopters within Imphal Valley, the Army has also greatly improved aerial surveillance. Since ethnic violence between the Meitei and Kuki communities broke out on Wednesday, May 3, at least 52 people have been killed in Manipur. Following this, Chief Minister N Biren Singh called for calm and an end to the violence at an all-party meeting and in a video conference with security forces.Manipur CM thanked Amit Shah for his constant supportManipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Monday expressed his gratitude and thanked the Union Home Minister Amit Shah for his constant support so that situation in the state can improve. As the situation in Manipur continues to improve and normalcy returns, Im thankful to the Shri @AmitShah Ji for his constant supervision and support to make this feat possible. I have been constantly in touch with the @HMOIndia to monitor the situation and ensure no further…— N.Biren Singh (@NBirenSingh) May 7, 2023Apart from this, Manipur Governor on Sunday conducted a security review meeting at Imphal over the violence in the state. The Security Adviser, Addition Director General, and the overall Commander of the current turmoil were present during the meeting. According to the official statement, the Governor of Manipur appreciated the relentless efforts made by the Security forces to save lives and properties at this crucial time. Governor further directed the officials to shift the people at the different relief camps, to their respective places safely.Curfew relaxed in ImphalAccording to officials, after the curfew was removed for a few hours on Monday morning, life in the violently affected state of Manipur was slowly returning to normal as people left their houses in Imphal to acquire necessities.Drones and helicopters kept a careful eye on the situation, while members of the Army and Assam Rifles performed flag marches in various locations affected by recent ethnic violence.To allow people to purchase necessities, the curfew that had been enforced on Wednesday following the outbreak of violence was relaxed from 5 am to 8 am in the Imphal West district. Canada asks citizens to avoid travel to violence-hit ManipurThe Canadian government has asked its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to Manipur. The violence in the north-eastern state of India broke out on May 3 between Meities and the tribals. It also added that the violence in the state has resulted in casualties as well as disruptions to traffic and transportation. The Canadian government has further asked the citizens to avoid places where there are huge crowds and keep an eye on local media for the most recent updates on the situation on the ground. It further stated that Canadians in Manipur should abide by local authorities rules, especially those about curfews. Curfews have been imposed in several districts and mobile and internet services are also limited, as per sources.