After a couple of days of peaceful Assembly Election in Madhya Pradesh, shocking reports have been emerged from Ashoknagar that rural women in the district are being denied water from government built bore-wells unless they take oath to vote for BJP in the elections.According to the sources, the incident has been reported from Nayakheda village in the Mungawali Assembly constituency, which is due to results of Assembly Elections results on December 3. While speaking to media persons, Public Health Engineering Minister said, They are not aware why all these are happening after elections. the government has got four bores done for the people of village. We got bores done to provide water to everyone in the area.However, some other residents have denied the allegations. Taking a jibe on the issue, Congress has lashed out at chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhans government, saying, ”BJP has crossed all the limits of cruelty.”It is to be noted here that Madhya Pradesh has gone through Assembly elections in single phase on November 17 and result for the same will be declared on December 3.