Delhi Police Crime Branch arrested a 24-year-old woman for allegedly killing her boyfriends son who she perceived as a hindrance in her relationship with her partner. The accused, identified as Pooja, allegedly strangulated the minor when he was sleeping and then hid the victims body inside the box of their bed and fled the scene.Accused arrested for killing boyfriends sonAs soon she was arrested, the accused admitted to the crime, acknowledging her guilt, said the police.According to the police, Pooja was in a live-in relationship with Jitender, and a resident of West Delhis Ranhola. Reportedly, she held the minor boy responsible for Jitender not finalising a divorce with his wife.On Sunday, the Delhi Police arrested Pooja Kumari in Bakkarwala after officials combed through around 300 CCTV installed across various locations. The accused was regularly changing her hideouts and dodging the police team, the crime branch said.The murder happened a week ago: Delhi Police During the investigation, the police found out that the boy had been brought dead with marks of strangulation around his neck on August 10 by BLK Hospital.Briefing about the incident, Delhi Police said, “On 10/08/2023, a minor male child, aged 11 years, was brutally murdered by strangulation and his dead body was found concealed inside a bed. Accordingly, an FIR, under section 302 IPC, was registered at Police Station Inderpuri.”Taking notes from the CCTV footage, the police said, “CCTV footage was analysed and it transpired from the footage that the last person who visited the house of the deceased was one lady, namely Pooja.”Further, they said that after a search at her parents house and relatives, they zeroed in on possible hideouts and launched a search to arrest the accused.The love triangle led kids demiseMoreover, the police mentioned that she reportedly was married o the father of the deceased minor, but Jitender was already married and had assured Pooja of getting a divorce from his first wife. After a while, Jitender refused to get a divorce and in December 2022, he resumed living with his first wife. Angered by this, the accused made up her mind and allegedly killed Jitenders son while they were sleeping on the afternoon of August 10, the police added.